Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th scary!

If you one of those superstitious? Well be cautious then. I for one Love Friday the 13Th. I have 1313 in my address. It has not given me bad luck. :) I love Friday the 13th movie..I remember watching it as a 14 year old when it came to those old laser disc movies..ahhhh hoooo. Can you believe that they remade that movie?

Yesterday I took the afternoon off and surprised my husband to a date. A pre Valentines day as both of us are working this weekend and we will not see each other hardly at all. So I picked him up and off to one of our favorite restaurant near by (Olive Garden) shared one of my new favorite dishes. Tour of Italy! YUM YUM. Mark and I split this and neither one of us could finish the lunch!
We then went to AT&T as he has been telling me for a long time now I need a new phone! Yeah I think I've had it for 7 or 8 years or so..So yeah I needed a new one. So I got a new Blackberry curve. The luscious red one. Mark got the standard black so we could tell them apart! LOL So most of afternoon and evening we've been playing with them! It is so cool that my e-mail can go straight to my phone.

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